Labs > Visual Studio Extension: Debug Single Thread

This Visual Studio extension adds two shortcuts and toolbar buttons to allow developers to easily focus on single threads while debugging multi-threaded applications.

It dramatically reduces the need to manually go into the Threads window to freeze/thaw all threads but the one that needs to be followed, and therefore helps improve productivity.


  • Restrict further execution to the current thread only. Will freeze all other threads. Shortcut: CTRL+T+T or Snowflake button.
  • Switch to the next single thread (based on ID). Will change current thread and freeze all other threads. Shortcut: CTRL+T+J or Next button.

Feature requests are welcome here. Official GitHub repository here. Contributions are welcome.

You can install the extension from within Visual Studio directly or download the VSIX installable package from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

4 comments for post “Visual Studio Extension: Debug Single Thread”

  1. aqeel
    1 September 2015 | 04:19 AM

    I have added this extension to Visual Studio 2010, it success. However, it’s inactive??!! What I have to do to activate it??

  2. 30 September 2015 | 08:15 AM

    Hi Aqeel, you just need to restart Visual Studio for the extension to be activated.

  3. Vladimir
    16 February 2017 | 03:31 PM

    Many thanks, install this on VS 2017 RC

  4. Divakar
    22 July 2024 | 10:10 AM

    This extension is a piece of GOLD. Thanks Erwin !!!

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